This is a collection of documents that you may find interesting.

From: The Pond Guy
To: George Crane
Subject: Stonebridge Community-Twin Islands Pond
Date: 10/25/2022

Hi George,
Here is a copy of our permit granted by EGLE. I have also attached some labels of the products that have been used in the past. Hopefully this helps your cause!Thank you!

Renee Nikkel

The Pond Guy
Office: 586-336-7663


(We asked The Pond Guy for an approximate cost of treatment)

Hi George,

Roughly $7,000.00 for 6 treatments (treatment every 4-5 weeks) and $8,900.00 for 9 treatments (treatment every 3-4 weeks) In 2021 you were getting 6 treatments.Thank you!

Renee Nikkel

(We asked The Pond Guy what they think is the root cause of algea build up in Twin Island Pond)

From: The Pond Guy
To: George Crane
Subject: Stonebridge Community-Twin Islands Pond
Date: 11//04/2022

Hi George,

The root cause of the problems is that it is a natural pond and mother nature will always try and take it over 🙂 The biggest factor with this pond I believe to be from fertilizer run off, it adds the same phosphates in the pond as it does to the grass to cause growth. Being proactive is key and that is done by aeration and bacteria applications, then you reactively treat the growth that occurs. You may always need chemical treatments but they can be reduced if you have less growth. Bottom diffused aeration will circulate the entire water body and add dissolved oxygen to allow for increased bacteria which will help to decrease nutrients. You would need the association to install a 230v power source near the ponds edge where the cabinet plugs into, this would be preferably on common ground away from houses (there is noise from compressors). I can’t give you an exact cost at this moment but I would say you’d be looking at least $20,000.00 for the system needed for your size pond.Thank you!

Renee Nikkel

The Pond Guy
Office: 586-336-7663